After installation, water every other day for the first two weeks. Then follow this schedule:
• Above 80°F: Water daily
• 70-80°F: Water every other day
• 60-70°F: Water twice a week
• Below 60°F: No watering needed
After the first year, your trees should be established and require little to no additional watering.
Browning can be a sign of underwatering or overwatering. If you’re not watering consistently, the trees will warn you by turning brown. On the other hand, if you are watering regularly and they still turn brown, you may be overwatering. Adjust your watering schedule accordingly, ensuring the soil has time to dry out between waterings.
While deer don’t typically bother Green Giant trees, they may graze on them when food is scarce or bucks may thrash them during the rut. To protect your trees, apply deer repellent or install a deer fence during the winter months. In extreme cases, you may need to wrap your trees in screening.
Growth can be slow during the first year as the tree focuses on establishing its root system. After that, you can expect 2-4 feet of growth per year. Your tree will continue to fill in and become denser as it matures.
We provide a one year warranty on all trees that we install. Trees installed by a contractor or home owner are not covered under our warranty because we can't verify proper installation.